
Draw or Skip


I is easy to get sidetracked when you work on your own projects.




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Remarkable concurrences

I once attended a lecture about the sixth sense. The human brain receive billions of impulses and impressions – like data, but we can only process a very small percentage. Our brain is Read the rest of this entry »

Entries are in for the 9 card nano contest

I worked hard to get the rules done in time but Moogh and Nian are both “done”. Nian is a simple 9 card game with a Chinese new years theme – maybe it could have had more strategy and I hope that I can find the energy to explore the game.

Moogh ended up as a quite nice little game with a lot of things going on (I even stripped it down a lot). I think Moogh could work even better if there was no component restrictions – as it is now it suffers a little from the limited amount of tokens etc.


To write clear game rules is way more complicated than I initally thought it would be 🙂 During my final tests I played around in TableTopia and making the game playable online. You can take a look here


So I embrace the extra time I got. Currently I am working on making a Table Topia Tailored game – but I think I want to get a prototype done quickly to playtest the idea.


Last “wild” caveman …phew. now I just need to get the rules done.
