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Advertising on GHG

You can be featured several places on the page: Wallpaper, top banner and sidebanner or in a featured article. Please write me for a quote. The price for 1 week placement is 20$

Did you design a beautiful game or are you an artist?

Are you a game designer or artist with a great story about how you worked with the visual side of the game and want to be featured on this page you are free to send a request to me at info (at) Anyone who support me on Ko-Fi or Patreon can have a game featured on the page.

Support On Patreon and get tips and tricks on art creation

Support on KoFi instead

Keep in touch – get hooked

I am glad you got to visit GHG. Let’s keep in touch – a small page like this is easily drowned in the big web – so if you liked it here please follow. You will once in a while receive a compiled letter with the best articles and any fun games we create here at GHG will be released to subscribers.

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Support GreenHookGame?


If you are the designer or publisher of a great looking game – I offer a range of exclusive promotion options, including the website background, custom banner features or facebook posts. Feel free to contact us for more info.