We are soo proud to announce that Moogh won some prizes.
I worked hard to get the rules done in time but Moogh and Nian are both “done”. Nian is a simple 9 card game with a Chinese new years theme – maybe it could have had more strategy and I hope that I can find the energy to explore the game.
Moogh ended up as a quite nice little game with a lot of things going on (I even stripped it down a lot). I think Moogh could work even better if there was no component restrictions – as it is now it suffers a little from the limited amount of tokens etc.
To write clear game rules is way more complicated than I initally thought it would be During my final tests I played around in TableTopia and making the game playable online. You can take a look here
So I embrace the extra time I got. Currently I am working on making a Table Topia Tailored game – but I think I want to get a prototype done quickly to playtest the idea.
Kai Bettzieche is working on a game for a singe page PnP game over at boardgamegeek. It is called Spider Chess. He called out for artist help to create a game cover and I took a shot at the challenge. I has been long since I used so much time on anatomy in a drawing – and thanks to Sycra on Youtube and to pinterest for the easy reference searching.
Participating in contests on BGG. can be very fun indeed. There is much learnings to make by entering simple contests.. and for me it was suprisingly hard to get the final art done before entry deadline. Fool of the Feast entered so late in the contest I was afraid it would go unseen by fellow designers on BGG.
But with great happiness we can announce Fools of the Feast was among the 18 Finalists.
So to those who do not know about our little micro game this is it:
The King is holding a great banquet and demands the kingdom’s best entertainment possible. Therefore he has invited all Troubadours and Fools around to audition their best show. The winner will become Fool of the Feast and well rewarded.
players: 2-4
time: 10 min
age: 10+
With only three played cards in a game round – this game is easy. But with split cards and effects there is a more complex strategy to explore. The goal is to become the king’s fool – so basically everyone wins. The second time a players show gets the king’s favour – that player is the winner. A show consist of three rounds. The entertainer presentation, a fist act and a second act. The show with the most points total wins the king’s favor that round. The crown icons on a card is points you will score for act. So more crowns means a better act. This will be modified by what themes the king like and don’t like. So if the king laughs at your rivals “juggling monk” – you might need to mess that show up.
Full size cards A4.
Full size rules A4.
Full size cards (for US letter / A4)
A short ROUGH introduction
Our latest PnP “That’s Life – A Fishy Tale” for the Children’s game design contest 2015 won in two categories. It won 1st place for “original artwork” and 3rd place in the main awards.
Continue reading “1st place for “original artwork” in the Children’s game design contest”