Introducing new ways we can play games is a craving most designers have. Zephyr Winds of Change is one of those games. Apparently using transparent cards used as character cards that can be overlaid other cards to apply different effects. In the game the top transparent card is you crew member and the bottom one is the fraction and this gives a 300+ number of combinations in the game.
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The great part about writing about art of games is that we choose what art to write about. Recently there have not been much catching our attention and it seems far between the games that receive the proper love on the artistic side. But then we stumble upon the pretty little card game called Dethroned -designed by Eliot ‘KiteLion’ Leo Carney-Seim. This is a hidden role cutthroat game without turns. The game is a pretty example on how you can make elegant card illustrations that together create a family of cards without over cluttering of details. The characters in the game each has their own story and is simple but expressive. We are happy that we got to talk with Graham Dolle about illustrating Dethroned, he is the artist behind the game. He recently moved from Maryland to Flagstaff, Arizona.
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We are well into the new year and gorgeous games keep rolling in. Let us sit back and enjoy a short glimpse of the eye candy out there. Here is 4 games we have chosen to highlight. Council of Blackthorn, Neolithic, SillyStreet and Strife:Shadows&steam; ALL producing great card game visuals.
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It is time for another round of Gold Hooked Brush Award. Okay okay! I know this award yet is unofficial and currently given to who we at GHG think deserves it….and maybe the award statuette image is a bit cheesy 🙂 (what do you think?) BUT board game ART definitely need a Gold Hooked Brush Award.
This month we will celebrate it with two very different expressions of card illustrations that highlight the fact that great art for games comes in many different forms. The award goes too….
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